Chiron is Copyright © 1993-1994, Robert Cummings. Permission is granted to make and distribute copies of this software, provided this copyright notice is preserved on all copies. This software may not, however, be sold or distributed for profit, or included with other software which is sold or distributed for profit, without the written permission of the author.
Chiron is free. There is no shareware fee.
I encourage you to make and distribute as many copies of this program as you wish, for whomever you wish, as long as it is not for profit and the information contained in this program is not modified in any way.
This application was created using DOCMaker™ ©1986-1994, by Mark Wall, Green Mountain Software.
Much of the information used in the Virus listing chapter, as well as the copyright notice came from John Norstad's excellent virus protection program, Disinfectant,
©1988-1993 by Northwestern University.
Portions of the Newton error codes came from Dave Rubinic's application, Easy Errors 1.1, released on January 29, 1994.
A huge bulk of the information in the Sad Mac Error Codes section came from a file obtained on America Online. No author or copyright info was attached so I'm unable to give any acknowldgement to the author(s)
For more information on distribution of Chiron, please contact me thru internet: